E-Scooter Users Beware!
As of 20th May 2024, there has been developments in Irish Law regarding the use of E-Scooters. The Road Traffic and Roads Act 2023 created a new vehicle class called powered personal transporters writes Oscar Banahan, Solicitor
What happens if a child has been accused of a crime?
If your child or a child in your care has been accused of a crime or if a JLO has been in contact, we can provide guidance on the process, writes Ciara Dinneny Solicitor
What to do when you receive a summons
A summons is a legal document which states you must attend court on a particular date and time to answer a criminal allegation. Early legal advise is essential.
Finalist at the Irish Law Awards 2024
The team at Michael J. Staines & Company were delighted to learn that we have again been shortlisted for Criminal Law Firm of the Year at the prestigious Irish Law Awards 2024.
New criminal offences of stalking, non-fatal strangulation and non-fatal suffocation
New offences of stalking, non-fatal strangulation and non-fatal suffocation are considered in this blog post.